Copy cascading select field should mimic the cascading value

Issue #545 resolved
Alejandro Villalobos [atSistemas] created an issue

Using Copy cascading select field Function to copy both values parent & child should mimic the original cascading value:

  • if parent & child aren't None the output value should be "parent - child"
  • if child is set to None the output should be "parent", instead of "parent -"
  • if parent and child are set to None the output should be null, instead of " - "

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Alejandro, thanks for the suggestion. You are absolutely right. It will be fixed in next version of the plugin. Meanwhile, you can implement that same behavior using "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function with the following configuration:

    • Target field: the field you want to set
    • Parsing mode: advanced
    • Text to be parsed:
    %{nnnnn} != null ? (%{nnnnn.0} + (%{nnnnn.1} != null ? " - " + %{nnnnn.1} : "")) : ""

    replacing nnnnn with field code for the cascading select field.

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