Issue Key field not pulling into emails

Issue #547 resolved
Jonathan Bohlmann created an issue

We have a post function to send email with parameters. We have the %{Issue key} in both the subject and the body of the email but the key is not showing in our emails. We have other fields and they do show.

Email Body: Dear Approver The issue %{Issue key} has been submitted for approval with an estimated LOE of %{ETC} hours with a due date of %{Due date}. Please approve/reject this request. If you approve the Job Jar item it will be sent to the VP Approval step.

%{JIRA base URL}/browse/%{Issue key}

Description of Job Jar Item %{Description}

What we get: Dear Approver The issue [missing key] has been submitted for approval with an estimated LOE of 39 hours with a due date of 24/Mar/17. Please approve/reject this request. If you approve the Job Jar item it will be sent to the VP Approval step.[missing key]

Description of Job Jar Item some description of the job

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner


    If you are using "Send an email" in transition "Create Issue", please ensure that you are executing it AFTER post-function "Creates the issue originally", otherwise issue key is not yet set.

    Please, let me know whether this is the cause of your problem.

  2. Jonathan Bohlmann reporter

    I moved it after the create issue post function and the key worked. Consider closed.

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