Is Epic Of linked issue validator

Issue #555 resolved
Jeremy Upright created an issue

I have created a validator on linked issues, but it does not seem to be functioning properly.
Issue Link Type = is Epic of Issue types for linked issues = Story Statuses for linked issues = None Resolutions for linked issues = None Linked issues must belong to = Any project Filtering by field values not specified Minimum required # of issue links = 1 Maximum allowed # of issue links = 1000 Allow unselected issue link types = unchecked Allow unselected issue types = unchecked Allow unselected statuses = checked Allow unselected resolutions = checked Allow unsatisfied condition on field values = unchecked Skip validation when = no selection Message = an epic must have at least one story.

We are receiving the error message even if an Epic has Stories under Issues in Epic. Is "Issues in Epic" different than "Is Epic Of"?

Comments (6)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Jeremy,

    You should do the following changes:

    1. Allow unselected issue link types: CHECKED
    2. Allow unselected issue types: CHECKED (only in case that you want to allow other issue types different from Story linked to Epic issues).

    The actual link between Epic and its tasks is "has Epic / is Epic of". I don't know which issue type is Issues in Epic. Maybe, is a custom issue link type created by the administrator. Can you please attach a screenshot showing it?

  2. Jeremy Upright reporter

    Issues In Epic is the name of the section on the issue form. I will try your suggestions to see if that helps my issue.


    Jeremy Upright DevOps Tooling O: 972-996-8009

  3. Jeremy Upright reporter

    Sorry about that; however, I applied your recommended changes and that resolved my issues. I think this item can be closed.

    Is there some documentation on the features of this plug in and the configurationsecond that you could provide me a link to?

    Sent with BlackBerry Work (

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    @jupright, the documentation is at Maybe, the documentation of that particular validation ("Validation on linked issues") can be improved, since it only provide a series of usage examples.

    The first change I suggested you are for ignoring issue links different from "is Epic of", otherways only selected issue link types are allowed.

    The second change is for allowing other issue types different from "Story" to be linked to Epic using is Epic of issue link type. The required minimum number of linked issues (i.e., 1) is applied only to selected issue type, i.e., other issue types can be linked to Epic, but at least 1 Story is required to be linked.

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