Condition (transition is invalid)

Issue #556 invalid
Hubert Kut (MWK) created an issue

Hi Fidel,

I know that workaround for the issue in condition is to use hasChanged(). It works fine for the custom fields, but I need to sue it on number of attachments but it seems that it's not supported. Do you have any idea how I can workaround that? Maybe there is also some kind of attachment was added or so...

Boolean expression (Syntax Specification and Examples)

%{10204} = null or hasChanged(%{10204}) or %{10202} = null or hasChanged(%{10202}) or %{10203}= null or hasChanged(%{10203}) or %{10201} = null or hasChanged(%{10201}) or {00073} = 0 or hasChanged({00073})

PARSE ERROR: Field "Number of attachments" isn't supported by functions checking update in transition screen.

Cheers, Hubert

Comments (3)

  1. Hubert Kut (MWK) reporter

    Ooo... we checked again and it seems that it's not needed to add it. If you add only attachment to transition the error "Action is invalid" does not show up... that's nice ;)

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Hubert,

    Simply use %{00160} != null instead of hasChanged({00073}), where %{00160} is field code for Transition attachments.

    Use the following boolean expression:

    %{10204} = null or hasChanged(%{10204}) or %{10202} = null or hasChanged(%{10202}) or %{10203}= null or hasChanged(%{10203}) or %{10201} = null or hasChanged(%{10201}) or {00073} = 0 or `%{00160} != null
  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Yes, you are right, it's not actually necessary to add any extra term to the expression.

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