Changing status based on a date field

Issue #561 resolved
Scott McDonald created an issue

Hello -

Is the following possible via something like the "Block-Unblock transition after issue rested some time in a status" or any other command?

Use Case: Auto switch from status of In Progress to Overdue (workflow step) automatically based on the Planned Completion Date (date field) (so if a ticket passes the date threshold it moves to Overdue).

Thank you,


Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    It can be done with the help of "Automation Lite for JIRA" free add-on (previously called JIRA Automation plugin). I explain you how to do it step by step:

    1) Add Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms validator to transition from In Progress to Overdue with the following boolean expression:

    {00057} < {nnnnn}

    where nnnnn is field code for Planned Completion Date, or simply use {00012} for Due date JIRA field.

    2) Create an Automation Lite for JIRA rule like this one:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-03-28 a las 22.54.33.png

    The rule will be executed automatically every hour, and will transition any overdue issue.

    The validator on step 1 is only necessary to avoid manual execution of the transition when issue is not yet overdue.

  2. Scott McDonald reporter

    Within Automation Lite for JIRA and in the JQL expression, do I want the planned complete date to be less than rather than greater?

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @scottjmcdonald,

    Yes, you are right use "Planned Completion Date" < now() instead.

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