'Read fields from linked issues or subtasks' does not work with derived date data type

Issue #567 resolved
Christian Unbehend created an issue

Hi Fidel,

when trying to read fields of derived data date types FutureDateCF/ReadOnlyDateCF we get a cast exception. See Attachments.

When we are using 'Write Fields on linked issues or subtasks' vice versa with the same link, values are copied accurately even for the derived date types.

If you look into the attachments, you'll see another Toolbox-PF just before the execution of the error producing read of 'Inbetriebnahme Ist' which is a ReadOnlyDateCF. This read still works, but it uses no derived data type fields.

If we remove the read of 'Inbetriebnahme Ist' the transition can be completed without errors.

Regards Christian

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Since version 2.2.27 JIRA Workflow Toolbox provided improved support for unknown third party plugins.

    Please, try updating to the most recent version of the plugin.

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