verify fields required during validation can actually display to be completed

Issue #578 resolved
Scott McDonald created an issue


Is there functionality during a required fields validation that displays the fields needing attention? (ex: validation checks for assignee and if assignee not assigned, on error screen the assignee field is present rather than just the message)

below are 2 options I'd like to see if possible.

  • Option 1 - Validate fields, and prompt for entry by exception
  • Option 2 - Prompt for fields automatically regardless of validation - as transition. This is similar to when we get the pop-up to Close and the window displays the resolution and comments

Thank you! Scott

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Scott,

    You can create a screen with the fields you want to enter in a particular transition, and associate that screen to the transition. This way, each time the transition is executed, a screen is shown with the fields that should be entered.

    Screens are associated to a transition like shown in the screenshot:


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