How to change the button name on a screen that is associated with a transition?

Issue #588 resolved
Dinesh Loyapalli created an issue

Hi Fidel,

I have a transition with name "Edit Initial Fields-US",and i have associated a screen("Initial Sizing-US Fields") for this transition.Now when i click on this transition, the screen has popped up and at the bottom of the screen i can see a button with the same name as the transition "Edit Initial Fields-US".But i want the name of the button to be "Save" instead of the transition name.Is it possible to do this?

Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Dinesh,

    No it isn't possible to do it. The name of the button is the same as the transition because the transition will be executed once the values input in the screen are validated.

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