How to link the Subtask IssueType of Sizing Story to Component Story?

Issue #594 resolved
Dinesh Loyapalli created an issue

I have three different issue types in my project. i>Parent Project Item(EPIC) ii>Sizing story iii>Component story Now when we click on Identify Impacts transition in EPIC workflow, it creates issues for Sizing story and also component story.It creates multiple component stories depending upon the Components that we have selected while creating the EPIC. Lets say we have selected component1 and component2 while creating the Epic,then the issues in the EPIC would be with the following names:- i>Sizing for "Parent Summary" ii>Component1 Task for "Parent Summary" iii>Component2 Task for "Parent Summary".

i>Sizing for "Parent Summary"(Sizing Story):- Sizing story, it takes the same components that we have selected in EPIC and it creates the subtasks based on the components we selected.The names of these sub-tasks are:- i>Component1 Sizing for "Parent Summary" ii>Component2 Sizing for "Parent Summary"

now i have to link Component Story task with Sizing Sub-task automatically upon the creation of Component story. Like i have to link :- Component1 Sizing for "Parent Summary" (sub-task Present in Sizing Story) with Component1 Task for "Parent Summary" (Component story) Component2 Sizing for "Parent Summary" (sub-task Present in Sizing Story) with Component2 Task for "Parent Summary"(Component story) So is there any post function by which this can be achieved?

Thanks, Dinesh

Comments (60)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Dinesh,

    Please, attach screenshots of post-function's tab of transitions where you are creating Sizing Stories, Component Stories and Sizing sub-tasks. I want to see the configurations of the post-functions you are using for automatically creating all those issues.

  2. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    Epic Post function for creating Sizing story and Component Story.PNGSizing-Post Function for creating sub-tasks.PNG

    We are using Create on transition Add-on for creating this stories and sub-tasks.Now i have to link the issues in Sizing sub-task with component stories.

  3. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    Can you please help me out with this? i can see Create issue link post function but was not able to configure and link these two.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Dinesh, It can be done like this:

    1. Change the order of execution of post-functions for creating both stories, so that Component Tasks are created before Sizing Task.
    2. Using "Create issues and subtasks" post-function for automatically creating Sizing sub-tasks, instead of "Create on transition", since it can create the complex issue links you need.

    If proposed solution is ok for you, I will give you the exact configuration to do it.

    Of course, you can also use "Create issues and subtasks" post-function for creating also the stories.

  5. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    Yeah i am okay with the proposed solution.Now how can i link the Sizing Sub-tasks with the Component story?

    I have linked the Issue manually.Let me attach the screen shot.

    Linking component with sub-task.PNG

    I clicked on more button and then i linked these two issues manually but it should happen automatically upon Component story creation.

    Thank you.

  6. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You should use "Create issues and subtasks" post-function with the following configuration:

    conf-0.png conf-1.png conf-2.png conf-3.png

    Issue list expression for selecting the issue to be linked is:

    filterByPredicate(filterByIssueType(linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic")), "Component Story"), ^%{00094} = ^%)

    where %{00094} is field code for Components field, and %{00029} is field code for Parent's summary.

    Once configured, post-function will look like this:


  7. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    Sizing story Sub-tasks.PNGHi Fidel,

    I have added the post function "Create issues and sub-tasks" with the configuration that you have mentioned above.Still i don't see any component story linked with their respective sizing story sub-tasks.Now i can see the summary of the sub-tasks are same as the components name but it should be "Components Name" + "Parents Summary".

    I am attching the screenshot of the post function that i have configured in Sizing story.Post Function for Creating Sub-tasks in Sizing Story.PNG

  8. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Dinesh,

    Sorry, I made a mistake. Use the following string expression for the summary: Captura de pantalla 2017-05-05 a las 19.49.30.png

    String expression is:

    ^% + " " + %{00000}

    where %{00000} is field code for Summary in current issue.

    In relation to the failure to create the issue links: You should change the order of execution of post-functions for creating both stories, so that Component Tasks are created before Sizing Task. Have you done it?

  9. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    Yes...i have changed the order of the execution of the post functions.Now Component stories are being created first and then the sizing story.

  10. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    Component Leader.PNGSummary looks good.In the Set fields, when i am trying to set the Assignee as Component Leader, its giving me some error.I don't see any Component Leader Field instead i see Components leaders field..

  11. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You need version 2.2.36 of JIRA Workflow Toolbox. Is that the version you have installed?

  12. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    We are using version 2.2.32.

    2.2.36 of JIRA Workflow Toolbox, Is this add-on compatible with Jira version 7.1.8?

  13. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I assumed you had version 2.2.36 since that's the version you selected when created the issue. You need to update in order to solve the problem with the assignee.

    In order to solve the problem with issue link, please, try the following issue list expression:

    filterByPredicate(linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic")), ^%{00000} ~ ^%)
  14. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    If the issue list expression above doesn't work, try the following one:

    filterByPredicate(linkedIssues("is Epic of", issuesFromJQL("issuekey = " + %{nnnnn})), ^%{00000} ~ ^%)

    replacing nnnnn with field code for Epic Link.

  15. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    Still it didnt fix the problem with the Assignee.Its throwing me an error.Component Leader.PNG.

    Upgraded to Version 2.2.36

  16. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    String expression for Assignee is:


    You are mistakenly using %{00125}(^%), which is incorrect.

  17. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    Tried all the three issue list expression that you have specified above but still I was not able to associate Component stories with the respective Sizing story sub-tasks

  18. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Dinesh,

    It might be not working because of "Create on transition" is creating the issue link to Epic at the end of the creation transition of Sizing Story, thus field Epic Link is not set at the moment of execution of Create issues and subtasks post-function for creating the sub-tasks.

    Create issues and subtasks post-function works differently. Please, try using it for creating the Sizing Story, as described at Issue #579.

  19. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter


    I have created the sizing story using Create issues and sub-tasks post-function

    Sizing Story Post function In Epic.PNG

    and also sub-tasks in Sizing story using the same post function

    Post Function for Creating Sub-tasks in Sizing Story.PNG

  20. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    I am not able to link the sub-tasks with component stories still.

    Are we linking these two based on the Sub-task and component stories summary?

    Lets say we have component1, component2

    Component story will have Summary:-

    Component1 task for "Parent Summary(EPIC SUmmary)"

    Sizing story will have Summary:-

    Sizing for "EPIC Summary"

    Sizing story sub-task will have Summary:-

    Component1+ "Sizing story"

  21. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Dinesh,

    Can we have a screen-share tomorrow through Skype? I will be available since 11:00 UTC to 14:00 UTC. Is that time frame Ok for you?

  22. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Ok. Please, give me the exact time for the meeting as soon as you can fix it. The sooner the better, in order to have enough time to solve the problem.

    My Skype user is fidel100r.

  23. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Dinesh, 9 PM to 1 AM CST is 02:00 to 06:00 UTC. That's out of the time frame I proposed you.

    Mi proposed time is 6 AM to 9 AM CDT, i.e., 11:00 to 14:00 UTC. Is that time frame OK for you?

  24. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    Hi Fidel, I dont have access to Gmail from my office laptop and i cannot send an email outside of my office network.All you need to do is click on the below link you will be automatically joining in the meeting.

    Thanks, Dinesh

  25. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Dinesh,

    I'm working in reproducing all your whole scenario. Please, give me 30 minutes.

  26. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I have managed to make it work.

    Try using the following issue list expression in post-function for creating "Sizing sub-task" (in transition "Create Issue" of the workflow for "Sizing Story"):

    filterByPredicate(filterByIssueType(linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic")), "Component Story"), ^2%{00000} ~ ^%)

    I'm assuming that "Component Story" is the name of the issue type to be linked. Please, use the exact name for the issue type in your JIRA instance.

    I attach a screenshot with my configuration: Captura de pantalla 2017-05-09 a las 14.40.00.png

  27. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    Yes Component Story is an Issue Type and that has to be linked with respective Sizing Story Sub-Task.

  28. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    I will try using the configuration that you have mentioned above.Thank you so much for taking your time and helping me out.

  29. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    I have tried to join the meeting, but nobody is there. Anyway, please, try before the changes described in my previous post.

  30. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    Ho I am really sorry about that. I was waiting for you from 1 and half hour..Suddenly it got disconnected for couple of minutes in the may be you might have connected during that time.


  31. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    ^% +" "+ Sizing for ICMPI API and UI,this is the Summary that is being displayed for Sizing Sub-task.It should be "component Name + Sizing summary".Here is the Screen Shot:- Summary of Sub-Task.PNG

    Here is the post function that i have used in Create Transition of Sizing Story:- Post Function for Creating Sub-tasks in Sizing Story.PNG

  32. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    filterByPredicate(filterByIssueType(linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic")), "Component Story"), ^2%{00000} ~ ^%)

    Sorry for troubling you again.It would be great if you can demonstrate how this Issue type Expression works?

  33. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    These are the values returned for each subexpression within the whole boolean expression:

    • linkedIssues("has Epic") returns an issue list containing the Epic of current issue (i.e., Sizing Story).
    • linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic")) returns the list of issues with the same Epic as current issue.
    • filterByIssueType(linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic")), "Component Story") returns the list of Component Stories with the same Epic as current issue.
    • filterByPredicate(filterByIssueType(linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic")), "Component Story"), ^2%{00000} ~ ^%) returns the list of Component Stories with the same Epic as current issue, and whose summary (i.e., ^2%{00000}) contains the seed string (i.e., ^%).

    Additional notes:

    • Seed string ^% contains the name of each Component in current issue (i.e., Sizing Story), since they are generated by the expression toStringList(%{00094}), where %{00094} is field code for Components in current issue.
    • %{00000} or ^%0{00000} are field codes for Summary in current issue (i.e., Sizing Story).
    • ^%{00000} or ^%1{00000} are field codes for Summary in parent of new issue (i.e., Component Sub-task). In this case parent of new issue is also current issue (i.e., Sizing Story*).
    • ^%2{00000} is field code for Summary in each issue returned by expression filterByIssueType(linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic")), "Component Story"). This field code is only applicable at boolean expression within function filterByPredicate().
  34. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Can you, please, create a new issue for the new problem? I think it will be easier to track, and less confusing.

  35. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter
    • changed status to open

    Here we have linked the Sizing sub-task with the component when ever the Sizing sub-task status is changed to "Cancelled", the component stories status should also be changed to "Cancelled".Can this be possible?

  36. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @DineshLoyapalli,

    You should insert post-function "Write field on issues returned by JQL Query or Issue List" in transition to Cancelled status in Sizing sub-task workflow with the following configuration:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-08-16 a las 17.40.24.png

    Issue list expression is:

    filterByPredicate(filterByIssueType(linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic", %{00041})), "Component Story"), %{00094} = ^%{00094})

    where %{00041} is field code for Parent's issue key, and %{00094} is field code for Components.

  37. Dinesh Loyapalli reporter

    Thanks its working Good.

    linkedIssues("has Epic", %{00041}) its going to return all the issues that has EPIC from the stories perspective. Am i correct? But what does the below expression return? linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic", %{00041}))

  38. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    It returns all the stories of the Epic.

    Please, close the issue once you consider it's resolved.

    I would thank you if you create a new issue whenever you have a new question or requirement, unless it's a problem with the original matter of the issue. You can mention an existing issue simply by writing the issue number preceeded by #.

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