use of issue list functions in text fields

Issue #608 resolved
David Kaplan created an issue


I know how count(xxx) works but if I just use transitivelyLinkedIssues() or subtasks() I get a parsing error for the attempted copy parsed expression into an issue field - for example post function, or calculated field

thanks, David

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi David,

    I can't reproduce your problem. In my case all works as expected using JWT 2.2.36. Look at the screenshots:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-05-15 a las 22.38.25.png

    Captura de pantalla 2017-05-15 a las 22.39.30.png

    I have used the following expression, that uses both functions:

    count(subtasks()) + count(transitivelyLinkedIssues(""))

    Take into account that function transitivelyLinkedIssues requires a parameter for the issue link type. If you use an empty string (like in my expression), all issue link types are considered.

    Which expressions are you using?

  2. David Kaplan reporter

    Hi, I was trying to use the functions without count around it. Think its the type conversion between a string and issue-list if I did toString(subtasks()) it was okay

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