How to display default values on Sizing Sub-task?

Issue #609 resolved
Dinesh Loyapalli created an issue

Hi Fidel, Hope you are doing good. I have some custom fields in Sizing Sub-tasks and i have set the default values for this custom fields as 0 at the time of their creation.I placed these fields in the View screen of Sizing sub-task issue type.So now when these sub-tasks are created, the default values for the custom fields should show up.Initially, when we are using Create On Transition Add-on, these default values used to show-up.

I am attaching a screen shots of two sub-task issue types which are created using JWT and Create-on Transition add-on respectively.I feel like it might be easy for you to understand what i am talking about.

JWT Sub-task.PNG

Create on Transition Sub-task.PNG

Is there a way to display the default values in the sub-Task that has been created using JWT?

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Dinesh,

    Currently it's not possible to use default values for custom fields, but you can do exactly the same giving a default value using parameter Set fields at Create issues and subtasks post-function, like shown in the screenshots: Captura de pantalla 2017-05-16 a las 18.52.09.png

    This is the dialog for setting a numeric field: Captura de pantalla 2017-05-16 a las 18.52.25.png

    Please, let me know if you have any doubt about it.

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