Custom field: Set a Field as a Function of other Fields

Issue #616 resolved
Scott McDonald created an issue


I have a custom field labeled 'Validator' that is a User Picker (single user) and the use case is any time said field is updated, we'd like that user added as a watcher. Is this handled via the Set a field as a functional of other fields or is it something else? Do we have to associate it with a workflow action?

Thank you,


Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @scottjmcdonald,

    You can simply use "Add or remove watchers" post-function associated to one or more transitions of your workflow. This way, when any of those transitions are executed, the user selected in custom field Validator will become watcher.

    You can also associate edition of field validator to a global reflexive transition, like explained in Issue #575.

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