How do i get epics to automatically link to stories

Issue #617 resolved
Scott Federman created an issue

how to i get epics to automatically link to stories using post function with the JWT plugin?

Comments (8)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @Scottfedm,

    In order to link a Story with an Epic you should write into field Epic Link of the Story any of the following values:

    • The name of the Epic, which is available in field Epic Name.
    • The issue key of the Epic, which is available in field Issue key.

    To do it you can use any of the following post-functions:

    When executing the post-function at epic's workflow:

    When executing the post-function at stories workflow:

    Please, let me know if you need additional help.

  2. Scott Federman reporter

    Thank you!

    I want to do this from the epic level. The Epic name is no issue. But the requirement” The issue key of the Epic, which is available in field Issue key” But how/where do I write the issue key of the epic?

    Thank you,

    Scott Federman Addteq Team Lead/JIRA Administrator/Process Consultant (O) 919.694.9293 (C) 215.350.8664

    [] Addteq | Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner | Cary, NC Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @Scottfedm,

    I imagine that your Epic will always have a name (i.e. a value in field Epic Name), isn't it?

    Please, explain which Stories do you want to link to your Epic, i.e., how do you select the Stories from the Epic? A JQL query? Issues already linked to the Epic through a certain issue link? ...

  4. Scott Federman reporter

    Currently stories are linked to the epic are linked using epic link so they appear as “issues in epic” section of the ticket. But additionally I want to have them automatically link as children to the epic. How would I do that?

    Thank you,

    Scott Federman Addteq Team Lead/JIRA Administrator/Process Consultant (O) 919.694.9293 (C) 215.350.8664

    [] Addteq | Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner | Cary, NC Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You can't turn your Stories sub-tasks of the Epic because they are ordinary issues, and they should be sub-tasks. On the other hand sub-tasks are already created on a parent, and it can't be changed after creation.

    Anyway, if you have a custom issue link type called "is father of / is children of", then we can use "Create issue link" automatically link Epic and Stories using it.

  6. Scott Federman reporter

    Yessir. Sorry for the delay. Yes it worked great. Thank you for your help on this.

    Thank you,

    Scott Federman Addteq Team Lead/JIRA Administrator/Process Enhancement & Solutions Expert (O) 919.694.9293 (C) 215.350.8664

    [] Addteq | Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner | Cary, NC Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook

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