plugin doesn't recognize the post-function executed successfully before

Issue #618 resolved
İbrahim Yasak created an issue

There was a post-function worked successfully before. I removed this postfunction without modifying it and I backed-up workflow. After my testing workflow I again used the backed-up workflow. But the function (attached) doesn't work, plugin looks like doesn't recognize the function. Workflow is published on the workflow scheme. Is there a plugin cache? This feature provides linking main issue with all subtasks and used in gantt chart. So we can't create links now.

Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @iyasak,

    Parameters JQL Query at "Create issue link" post-function only replaces field codes with their actual value at runtime, but you can't include functions or advanced parsing mode syntax in them.

    If you need to use advanced parsing mode for composing part of the JQL query, you should do it before in a separate "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function.

    Anyway, I think that you don't need to use advanced parsing mode for you JQL query. Please, try something like this:

    key in (%{00063}) and issuetype="Proje xxxxx"

    where %{00063} is field code for Ephemeral string 3.

    BTW, if Ephemeral string 3 contains issue keys, then you should use "issuekey" instead of "key" in your JQL query, i.e.

    issuekey in (%{00063}) and issuetype="Proje xxxxx"
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