Set value of JSD Organizations field

Issue #628 resolved
Nick Georgakopoulos created an issue


Is there any way to set the value of Organizations JSD field? This is a collections field and I haven't found a valid way to set a valid value. I have tried with both "Copy a parsed text to a field" and " Set a field as a function of other fields" functions but cannot find a way to return an array of ids and not a string. The only partial workaround that works is to use another function "Copy Value From Other Field" and use a select list field as source.

Comments (14)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @nick_georgakopoulos,

    Support for JSD's Organizations has been added in version 2.2.37_beta_4.

    Please, try it and let me know whether it solves your problem.

  2. Nick Georgakopoulos reporter


    Works perfectly! Thank you very much for the wonderful addon and your prompt support!

  3. Nick Georgakopoulos reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    I think that 2.2.37 beta breaks multi field support. I am having problems with "Write field on linked issues or subtasks" when updating more than one field.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @nick_georgakopoulos,

    Can you please describe with more detail the problem you are experiencing? Error messages, log file, screenshot, etc.

  5. Nick Georgakopoulos reporter

    Hi @fcarmario

    I believe that it happened because I was using an older version with one field per function. When I updated to the beta I started using the multi field feature and I updated some old functions. When I use an old function and enrich it with multiple fields the problem appears. When I delete all old functions and replace them with one multiple fields function, it works fine. Don't know if it makes sense though...

  6. Nick Georgakopoulos reporter

    Just tested again and I can confirm that this is what is happening. If I update an old function (from a version without multiple field support) with multiple fields, the function is not working correctly. When I delete the old function and create a new one with multiple fields (or even when I place the new function before the old one) it works fine.

  7. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @nick_georgakopoulos,

    The new version should behave correctly with the old configuration. It have been extensively tested before releasing version 2.2.36, and until the moment nobody has reported a problem. I think that the problem is happening with a particular configuration that you are using. Can you, please, attach a screenshot of the old post-function's configuration?

  8. Nick Georgakopoulos reporter
                <function type="class">
                  <arg name="cumulativeOperation">false</arg>
                  <arg name="mathOperation">sum</arg>
                  <arg name="expression"></arg>
                  <arg name="enableEmailNotification">false</arg>
                  <arg name="sourceExpression"></arg>
                  <arg name="includeSisterSubtasks">false</arg>
                  <arg name="recursiveOperation">false</arg>
                  <arg name="selectedTargetField">11315</arg>
                  <arg name="issueTypes">11302</arg>
                  <arg name="parametrizationVersion">1</arg>
                  <arg name="dontOverwrite">false</arg>
                  <arg name="actingUser">fixed_user</arg>
                  <arg name="selectedSourceField">11315</arg>
                  <arg name="includeSubtasks">false</arg>
                  <arg name="sourceType">field</arg>
                  <arg name="outwardIssueLinkTypes">10503</arg>
                  <arg name="fieldsToBeSetData">11315, MNI's%20responsibility, 6, field, Field in current issue, 11315, MNI's%20responsibility, false, -, -
    11918, Application%20Release%20Found, 6, field, Field in current issue, 11918, Application%20Release%20Found, false, -, -
    11917, Application%20Areas, 6, field, Field in current issue, 11917, Application%20Areas, false, -, -
    11910, Incident%20Category, 13, field, Field in current issue, 11910, Incident%20Category, false, -, -
    10426, Application, 6, field, Field in current issue, 10426, Application, false, -, -
    10600, Environment%20Found, 6, field, Field in current issue, 10600, Environment%20Found, false, -, -
    11317, Detected%20on, 6, field, Field in current issue, 11317, Detected%20on, false, -, -
    1, Description, 1, field, Field in current issue, 1, Description, false, -, -
    0, Summary, 1, field, Field in current issue, 0, Summary, false, -, -
    10701, Severity, 6, field, Field in current issue, 10701, Severity, false, -, -</arg>
                  <arg name="full.module.key">com.fca.jira.plugins.workflowToolbox.workflow-toolboxwrite-linked-issues</arg>
                  <arg name="conditionOnPostfunction"></arg>
                  <arg name="fixedActingUser">integration_user</arg>
                  <arg name="inwardIssueLinkTypes">10503</arg>
                  <arg name="statuses"></arg>
                  <arg name="projectCondition">any</arg>
                  <arg name="">com.fca.jira.plugins.workflowToolbox.WriteLinkedIssuesFunction</arg>
                <function type="class">
                  <arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.issue.UpdateIssueStatusFunction</arg>
                <function type="class">
                  <arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.misc.CreateCommentFunction</arg>
                <function type="class">
                  <arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.issue.GenerateChangeHistoryFunction</arg>
                <function type="class">
                  <arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.issue.IssueReindexFunction</arg>
                <function type="class">
                  <arg name="eventTypeId">13</arg>
                  <arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.event.FireIssueEventFunction</arg>

    Not working conf

  9. Nick Georgakopoulos reporter
                <function type="class">
                  <arg name="cumulativeOperation">false</arg>
                  <arg name="expression"></arg>
                  <arg name="enableEmailNotification">false</arg>
                  <arg name="includeSisterSubtasks">false</arg>
                  <arg name="recursiveOperation">false</arg>
                  <arg name="issueTypes">11302</arg>
                  <arg name="parametrizationVersion">1</arg>
                  <arg name="actingUser">fixed_user</arg>
                  <arg name="includeSubtasks">false</arg>
                  <arg name="fieldsToBeSetData">11315, MNI's%20responsibility, 6, field, Field in current issue, 11315, MNI's%20responsibility, false, -, -
    11918, Application%20Release%20Found, 6, field, Field in current issue, 11918, Application%20Release%20Found, false, -, -
    11917, Application%20Areas, 6, field, Field in current issue, 11917, Application%20Areas, false, -, -
    11910, Incident%20Category, 13, field, Field in current issue, 11910, Incident%20Category, false, -, -
    10426, Application, 6, field, Field in current issue, 10426, Application, false, -, -
    10600, Environment%20Found, 6, field, Field in current issue, 10600, Environment%20Found, false, -, -
    11317, Detected%20on, 6, field, Field in current issue, 11317, Detected%20on, false, -, -
    1, Description, 1, field, Field in current issue, 1, Description, false, -, -
    0, Summary, 1, field, Field in current issue, 0, Summary, false, -, -
    10701, Severity, 6, field, Field in current issue, 10701, Severity, false, -, -</arg>
                  <arg name="outwardIssueLinkTypes">10503</arg>
                  <arg name="full.module.key">com.fca.jira.plugins.workflowToolbox.workflow-toolboxwrite-linked-issues</arg>
                  <arg name="conditionOnPostfunction"></arg>
                  <arg name="fixedActingUser">integration_user</arg>
                  <arg name="inwardIssueLinkTypes">10503</arg>
                  <arg name="statuses"></arg>
                  <arg name="projectCondition">any</arg>
                  <arg name="">com.fca.jira.plugins.workflowToolbox.WriteLinkedIssuesFunction</arg>
                <function type="class">
                  <arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.issue.UpdateIssueStatusFunction</arg>
                <function type="class">
                  <arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.misc.CreateCommentFunction</arg>
                <function type="class">
                  <arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.issue.GenerateChangeHistoryFunction</arg>
                <function type="class">
                  <arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.issue.IssueReindexFunction</arg>
                <function type="class">
                  <arg name="eventTypeId">13</arg>
                  <arg name="">com.atlassian.jira.workflow.function.event.FireIssueEventFunction</arg>

    Working conf

  10. Nick Georgakopoulos reporter

    For the non working conf, it is keeping the old <arg name="selectedTargetField">11315</arg>, <arg name="selectedSourceField">11315</arg> so it is updating only this field ignoring the fieldsToBeSetData tag.

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