Reopening epic when a story is added using Workflow tool box plugin

Issue #629 resolved
Shilpa Sanil created an issue

Hi Team,

We are in the process of evaluating the Workflow tool box plugin for automatic transitions.

We have been able to successfully configure the automatic closure of Epics when all its Stories get closed.

But there can be a case where in a new story could get added to this closed Epic. In this case ideally the Epic should get reopened. We tried adding “write on linked issues” when a story gets created to handle this scenario, but it doesn’t seems working. The Epic workflow is attached along. Also the post function added in the story workflow during issue create is shared.

We also tried the Issue status, Issue status (delayed), Execute transition, Execute transition (delayed) options but those doesn’t seem working.

Our Jira version is 6.4.9 Attached are the screenshots of our workflow page & post function configuration page

Request your assistance.

Comments (11)

  1. Shilpa Sanil reporter

    Hi Team ,

    There could be one more scenario where an open story can be edited and the epic link can be updated to that of a closed Epic. In such cases, the epic status should again change to Open. We have added a new transition for such story edits and the post function is updated with “write on linked issues”. But the epic doesn’t seem to change back to Open. The story workflow post function on Edit is attached. The epic workflow is also attached for reference. Epic Workflow.png!story.png

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Please, show me conditions, validations and post-functions tab of transition Done > Open in Epic's workflow.

    "Execute transition (delayed execution)" may not show the Epic new status immediately from Story view detail. A browse refresh might be required. Please, ensure that this is not the cause of your problem.

  3. Shilpa Sanil reporter


    The details are attached. The validation is added to avoid manual reopening of epics.

    After each action we do a browser refresh and it’s still the same. Epic validandpf.png

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @ShilpaSanil,

    Try checking "Allow unselected issue link types". Currently you don't allow to execute the transition if Epic is linked to any issue using any other issue link type different from "is Epic of", which clearly is not part of the validation you want to implement.

    Please, also check the following option: Captura de pantalla 2017-05-29 a las 10.55.13.png

    Now, you can also use "Execute transition" instead of "Execute transition (delayed execution)", which will make the browser to show the new status of the Epic immediately.

  5. Shilpa Sanil reporter

    Hi Fidel Castro Armario,

    Allow unselected issue link types was selected. We also used Execute transition instead of delayed transition. We also removed the validation in the Epic workflow. Still the workflow doesnt get updated.

  6. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    It's very strange. I would like to see the problem in direct. I'm available just now for a screen-share through Skype. My Skype user is fidel100r.

  7. Shilpa Sanil reporter

    Hi ,

    For us Skype is not allowed in office. So sharing our webex. Could you please join on that? My colleague Nabeena would be showing you the issue.

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