convert current date and time field to string

Issue #634 resolved
Michael shechter created an issue

Hi Fidel, I try to convert the "current date and time " field ( %{00057}) to string so the final result will be : month - year

I tried it with Copy a parsed text to a field in the advance mode using : month(number t, time_zone) year(number t, time_zone)

but it didn't work. how can I do it ? thank you.

Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @michael_shechter,

    You can do it using Copy a parsed text to a string post-function with any of the following string expressions in advanced parsing mode:

    Using the month name: Jun-2017

    dateTimeToString({00057}, "MMM-yyyy", SERVER_LANG)

    Using the month number: 07-2017

    dateTimeToString({00057}, "MM-yyyy", SERVER_LANG)
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