Question - Showing Full Name in Email

Issue #651 resolved
Sarah Sand created an issue


I'm using the postfunction "Send an Email", and need to include a user's Full Name in the email body instead of their User ID.

Is this possible?

I tried using the user function userFullName(%{12828}), but it doesn't look like the email body parses out this function. Are there any other methods I can use? Unfortunately, the user ID is in a custom field.

Thank you! Sarah

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @sbenes,

    You should set field Ephemeral string 1 with the user's full name, and then use it in your "Send an email" post-function.

    For setting Ephemeral string 1 with the user's full name use "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function before "Send an email" post-function with the following configuration:

    • Target field: Ephemeral string 1
    • Parsing mode: advanced
    • Text to be parsed...: userFullName(%{12828})
  2. Sarah Sand reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    This is fantastic, thank you! It is working perfectly.

    Sarah A. Benes Service Delivery Systems Analyst Business Technology - Quality Services Team Phone: 402-449-7725 Fax: 402-661-6626

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