Create Issue is not working as expected

Issue #658 resolved
IT MayaHTT created an issue

Hi Fidel,

We are using Create Issues and Subtasks and we experience a strange issue. You can find the post-function summary attached (Postfunction_summary.jpg) and the details (Rule_1 & 2.jpg). When the transition occurred, if conditions match the post-function seem to trigger and create a non-clickable link. If we browse in the URL to the ticket reference we get from the history tab, then we end up on a non-existing ticket. This issue number is used, but no ticket is created :(

I've ran this myself so I've made sure this isn't a permission issue as I'm able to create issues in destination project.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Regards, John

Comments (8)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @Maya_IT,

    I think that the problem might be that the Security Level of the new issue doesn't allow you to view it. Please, check up whether issue can be viewed by a user will full visibility permissions according to the security scheme of your project.

    I recommend you to do the following changes in your post-function configuration:

    • Don't inherit values of fields not explicitly set by parameter Set fields. Maybe you are inheriting a security level from current issue that prevents you from viewing the new issue.
    • Field New watchers doesn't need to rewrite current watchers in order to keep them as watchers. Simply write the user name (not the email or user's full name) of the users you want to add as watchers.
    • Field Assignee should be set with a user name, not to be confused with email or user's full name.

    If nothing of the above solves the problem, please, share your server's log file or the part related with the issue creation. You can send it to

    Please, confirm the version of JIRA Workflow Toolbox and JIRA that you are using.

  2. IT MayaHTT reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    Thank you for your very fast and efficient support as usual.

    Your suggestion helped a lot and this problem is now fixed. There wasn't any Security Level on destination project, but it looks like inheriting values of fields not explicitly set by parameters Set fields was our problem. I've also changed the New watchers value as it is only for new watchers and we don't need to specify old ones.

    For Assignee and Watchers we keep using email address as we do use them for username.

    Thanks again, have a great day!


  3. IT MayaHTT reporter

    Would you know how can I get rid of those wrongly created? I can't list it but the user who initially triggered this transition have it in his filters and obviously can't see the content so we can't remove it from the interface.

    It might be Atlassian issue at this point.

    Regards, John

  4. IT MayaHTT reporter

    This setting is fine, but I'm speaking about issues that were created before we fixed the configuration problem.


  5. IT MayaHTT reporter

    You're right I found a way to do it in the database directly and it worked :)

    Thanks again.


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