Condition does not work

Issue #664 resolved
Natalia Zaitseva created an issue

Hello Fidel Castro Armario We have used your add-on for creating a condition for the Issue transition but it was not worked for us. Expected result : when one of the sub-task of "Support Contract - Period" type is transitioning to "Active" status it's parent also transitioning into "Active" status Actual result: sub-task of "Support Contract - Period" type transitioning into "Active" status but parent does not transitioning into "Active" status Setup: Issue Types: Support Contract - Parent and Support Contract - Period(sub-task) Transition involved(Parent) : Pending --> Active Transition involved(sub-task): Active(Future) --> Active Condition: Selection_360.png

PS please add to CC: and

Kind regards Natalia Zaitseva

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @natalia_zaitseva,

    Please, try the following changes:

    1. Condition on subtasks:

      • Allow unselected issue types: CHECKED
    2. Post-function for transition parent issue: here you are using other plugin's post-function. Please, remove it, and use the Copy a parsed text to a field post-function with the following configuration:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-06-26 a las 12.50.06.png

    Please, insert this post-function at first position in execution order in the transition of sub-task's workflow.

    Important: in case you can have parent issues without any "Support Contract - Period" sub-task, then instead of "Condition on subtasks" you should use "Boolean condition with math, date-time or text-string terms" with the following boolean expression:

    count(filterByIssueType(subtasks(), "Support Contract - Period")) = 0 OR
    count(filterByStatus(filterByIssueType(subtasks(), "Support Contract - Period"), "Active")) > 0
  2. Nataliya Zaytseva Account Deactivated

    Hi Fidel Castro Armario

    Thank you a lot - it helped and you may close the ticket

    Kind regards, Natalia Zaitseva

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