Parsing error in logs for Calculated Text Field (by JWT)

Issue #682 resolved
Hubert Kut (MWK) created an issue

Hey Fidel,

Could you take a look at the parsing error which appears in logs for Calculated Text field which we are using:

the syntax is like that:

"Status Duration (Weeks): " + ceil(({00057}-{00158})/(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7))

I attached snippet from logs.

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @hkut,

    You expression is correct. I don't understand why are you getting that parsing error. Indeed, I have reproduced your configuration, and in my case, it works correctly:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-07-12 a las 16.06.46.png


    Please, try the following equivalent expression:

    "Status Duration (Weeks): " + ceil(({00057}-{00158})/{WEEK})

    If you keep getting the error, I would like to have a screen-share through Skype. My Skype user is fidel100r.

  2. Hubert Kut (MWK) reporter

    Hey Fidel,

    I replaced the syntax but still same error. I've just found out that the error only appears at first status so it seems that is related to: {Date and time of latest status change} because there is no last status change.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Try any of the following text expressions:

    {00158} != null ? "Status Duration (Weeks): " + ceil(({00057}-{00158})/{WEEK}) : ""


    "Status Duration (Weeks): " + ({00158} != null ? ceil(({00057}-{00158})/{WEEK}) : 0)
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