Comment on Linked Issues Not Working

Issue #690 resolved
Lacey McDonnell created an issue

I'm trying to make a case for keeping this plugin so I'm working in some post functions to resolve user issues that have high impact to resource turnaround time before our budget review. These post functions would plausibly half the time it's taking resources to manually enter data into issues.

I'm trying to write a comment to a linked issue. I, in the same workflow step, broke an issue link. For some reason, comment isn't working but break of link is. I made sure the comment goes before the break, and I tried having the post comment as first operation as well as other places in the series.

Any ideas on where I am going wrong?

Terms of engagement should be post comment on issues that have link type BASE TICKET, CUSTOMER TICKET, COMMON BASE.

Comment should be "The Base Ticket XXXX for issue YYYY has been withdrawn. Its link has been deleted" et al as seen in the screenshot.


Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @laceymcdonnell,

    In your screenshot I can see the following problem: post-function "Break issue link" should be executed AFTER post-function "Write field on linked issues or subtasks".

    I have tried to reproduce your problem on JIRA 7.4.1 using JIRA Workflow Toolbox 2.2.39 using the following configuration:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-07-23 a las 16.54.03.png

    In my case all works correctly and as expected: the comments are created in the linked issues, and then the issue links are broken.

    Please, try exchanging execution order of both post-functions, and also moving the 2 post-function up in execution order, to positions 1 and 2, like I'm doing in my configuration.

  2. Lacey McDonnell reporter

    Oh my god I am an idiot. I for some ungodly reason thought the numbering was desc not asc.


    Ok now it is working ... I need a blushing emoji, cause I am embarrassed! Thanks as always for the prompt answer - now I think I have weaseled your plugin into a position where it is a necessary one!

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