Update Value of Calculated Text Field based on Condition

Issue #694 resolved
Krishnanand Nayak created an issue

Scenario: Update a Calculated Text Field based on the value from another field:

Details: 1. Field A (Custom Number Field) and Field B (Calculated Text Field)

  1. If (value in Field A >= 0) AND (value in Field A < 10)
            Set Field B value = Less than 10
       Else if (value in Field A >= 10) OR (value in Field A < 20)
            Set Field B value = Less than 20
            Set Field B value = More than 20
     End if

Is this possible? If yes, can you provide an example?

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You can implement field B as a "Calculated Text Field" with the following configuration:

    • Parsing mode: advanced
    • Text to be parsed: {nnnnn} >= 0 AND {nnnnn} < 10 ? "Less than 10" : ({nnnnn} >= 10 AND {nnnnn} < 20 ? "Less than 10" : "More than 20")

    replacing nnnnn with field code for field A.

  2. Krishnanand Nayak reporter

    Thanks for the quick solution. It helps solve current and future implementation. Also a small feedback, please add parsing examples for the custom fields in documentation :)

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