Log Work post function

Issue #697 resolved
Saida Aslanova created an issue

Hi, Can this function update log work for users, who has no permissions to do this? We have issues where people from the customer portal (and dont have agent licenses) have to log their work too, but when trying to do this with post function, it doesnt update anything. Is there a method to avoid this? Thank you.

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @SaidAslan,

    I will try to improve post-function "Log Work" in next version of the add-on in order to support parameter Run as like most post-functions in the plugin.

    Meanwhile, you can try using post-function "Mathematical and date-time expression calculator" selecting virtual field "Add time spent (minutes)" at parameter Target field.

    Post-function "Mathematical and date-time expression calculator" supports parameter Run as, and you can select a user with permissions to log work.

    Please, let me know if you have any doubt about this workaround.

  2. Saida Aslanova reporter

    Hi Fidel,
    This didnt help for me, but I found another workaround, so you can close this issue.

    These post functions are not able to track time of a user without agent licence. To explain how it works for us,

    All our customers have "Work On Issues" permission. But they dont have permissions to work on issues: 1.png

    I've tried to use post function to get Integer that they add from the Customer portal and add it to increase Time Spent value. But it works only if current user is in Service Desk Agent role, for all others it does nothing, so I had to write a script post function which updates the field.

    Anyway thank you for you help!

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