Set custom field date during transition (post-processing)

Issue #70 resolved
Former user created an issue


I would like to set a date within a custom field date when trigger a transition. Unfortunately I was not able to figure out how to achieve this.

Could you help me please.



Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Stephan,

    You can use post-function "Mathematical and date-time expression calculator" for setting Date or Date-Time fields. You can use simply for copying the value of one field into another, for doing complex time calculations based on the value of other fields.

    You should select in parameter "Target field" the custom field you want to be set, and you should introduce in parameter "Formula" the code of source field or the time formula you want to calculate.

    In page "Full list of features" you can find some usage examples.

    Anyway, if you give me more details, I will be happy to provide you the exact formula for your purpose.

    You can also do a conditional setting using post-function "Set a field as a function of other fields".


  2. Reza Montazeri

    Hi Fidel,
    I am trying to get age of an issue WRT last Transition. I am very new to Jira, how I understand that I can use a text field and use Formula in description. do you happen to have site or you could help me with the formula.

    the key is to find the age regardless of the states, but how long is been sitting in the last state.

    thanks for any help you can provide

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Reza,

    I have some questions:

    1) Which of these alternatives is the value you want to obtain?

    • a) The time the issue rested in the previous status (not current status).
    • b) The time the issue rested in current status. Now that I'm leaving the status in a transition.
    • c) Other. Please, explain it.

    2) Do you want the calculated value:

    • a) Set a field with the value calculated.
    • b) Use the value in a condition in order to show or hide a transition depending on the time the issue is in current status.
    • c) Use the value in a validation in order to block a transition depending on the time the issue is in current status.
    • d) Use the value for composing a text with it (e.g., to create a comment, or update the description).
    • e) Other. Please, explain it.

    3) Do you want to obtain the value in a specific time unit? seconds, minutes, hours...

    Here you have some reference information:

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