Set a field as a function of other fields Function: setting description

Issue #700 resolved
Scott McDonald created an issue


I have 2 questions. For the life of me I can't remember or find the function for adding a space in-between paragraphs. I want the description field to have 2 paragraphs added based on a specific value in another field.

The second question is: what's the command to bold a word? Again, I can't remember or find the function. Thank you!

Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @scottjmcdonald,

    In order to create a paragraphs separation space you should use 2 return carriage characters, i.e., \\n\\n. You should use advanced parsing mode, i.e., your setting rules should use prefix a.


    a(some_value)"This is my first paragraph.\\n\\nAnd this is my second paragraph."

    To write something in bold you should write your text between * characters.


    a(some_value)"This text is not in bold, but *this text is in bold*."

    The 2 examples above are type 1 setting rules of "Set a field as a function of other fields" post-function.

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