assign issue to group on Create subtask post function

Issue #720 resolved
Scott McDonald created an issue

Hello @fcarmario ,

Does the toolbox have functionality that allows subtasks to be assigned to groups during a post-function create?

Thank you,


Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @scottjmcdonald,

    You can assign an issue to a project role when creating an issue through "Create issues and subtasks". To do it you should simply write the name of the project role into field Assignee.

    In the following screenshot I show you how to assign new issue to project role Developers:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-08-04 a las 21.02.31.png

    Actually, JIRA only allows to assign issues to a user. When we assign an issue to a project role, we are assigning it to the default user in a project role. Here you can see how to set the default user for a project role.

    It's also possible to use a round robin algorithm to assign issues to users in a project role by turns. If you need it I can give you the exact instructions on how to do it.

  2. Karen Mixon


    Is there a way to create a new subtask for each member of a group selected in a group picker field on the parent issue?

    Thanks, Karen

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @mixiechick,

    You can use "Create issues and subtasks" post-function with the following configuration:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-08-23 a las 0.28.07.png

    In my example %{10601} is field code for a Group Picker custom field.

    Seed string expression is: usersInGroup(%{10601}).

    Summary expression is: "Subtask for user " + userFullName(^%) + " with username: " + ^%.

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