ADD a parsed text to a field

Issue #732 resolved
Nikola Bornová created an issue

It would be great to have option to also ADD text/value to a already initialized field via Post function "Copy a parsed text to a field"

One of the use cases:

I have special field "Approval" that is set to Approved or Rejected in post functions (on transitions Approve and Reject). But since several leads will definitely change this value a lot, re-approve it, change it from Approved to Rejected etc., I would like to have additional text field "Approvals log" to show who approved or rejected the issue and when.

Via "Copy a parsed text to a field", I can easily add message like "Approved by <current user's full name> on <current date and time>". But next time someone will use the approval/rejecting transition, new value will overwrite the old one, not be added after the current one (ideally behind comma or on next line)

If it's currently possible to add text (not only overwrite it), I'm sorry for this proposal/question, I just didn't find it :-)

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @bornovanik,

    Using "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function you use the current value of the field you want to set (i.e., field at parameter "Target field") by inserting its field code in parameter "Text to be parsed...".

    In your case, simply include the field code of "Approvals log" in your "Text to be parsed...", and you will be keeping the previous value of the field instead of overwriting it.

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