Create calculated field "LatestStartDate" which is {DueDate} - {remainingEstimate} - how?

Issue #743 new
IT Infrastructure created an issue

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Comments (8)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You should use the following expression:

    {00012} - {00068} * {MINUTE}

    or if you are using custom schedules:

    addTime({00012}, - {00068} * {MINUTE},  "my_schedule", LOCAL)

    where {00012} is field code for Due date, and {00060} is field code for Original estimate (minutes).

    In order to use addTime() with negative offsets you need to use version 2.2.41 which is going to be released in a few days.

  2. IT Infrastructure reporter

    The first one seems to be taking days off the date - the remaining estimate is 4 weeks - can you advise please.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    The problem is surely caused by the fact that Original estimate shows time values as work time according to time tracking settings. Typically we use 8 hours per day, and 5 days per week. In this case 4 weeks are 4 * 5 * 8 = 160 hours, i.e., 160/24 = 6.66 natural days, which is the result you should be obtaining with my first expression.

    In order to obtain the real date when you subtract original estimate time you should use the second formula I provided to you:

    addTime({00012}, - {00068} * {MINUTE},  "my_schedule", LOCAL)

    You should previously define your work schedule using a custom schedule.

  4. IT Infrastructure reporter


    {Due date} = null ? ( {Date of next review} = null ? addMonths( {Current date and time}, 6, LOCAL ) : {Date of next review} ) : addTime ( {Due date}, 0 - ({Remaining estimate (minutes)} * {MINUTE}), "working", LOCAL)

    I get $formatedTime for items with a due date...

  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @veeve,

    It was released yesterday. If you currently have installed the beta version, you will have to uninstall it manually, and then install version 2.2.41.

  6. IT Infrastructure reporter

    I have updated. I will re-review your solutions above, implement, then revert with result.

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