Calculated Text Field - Not Pulling Any Data

Issue #750 resolved
Lacey McDonnell created an issue

I have a link type of Base, and want to pull all statuses of any issues with that link type.

toString(distinct(fieldValue(%{00016}, linkedIssues("Base"))))

where %00016 is the inserted key for the status.

Comments (9)

  1. Lacey McDonnell reporter

    Same problem with Ticket Versions

    toString(distinct(fieldValue(%{Fixed versions}, linkedIssues("Base"))))

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @laceymcdonnell,

    I think that the problem is that input parameter of function linkedIssues() is the name of an issue link type from the point of view of current issue, but I think that you are using is the generic name of the issue link type.


    • These are valid invocations to linkedIssues() function: linkedIssues("blocks"), linkedIssues("is blocked by"), linkedIssues("clones") and linkedIssues("is cloned by").

    • These are invalid invocations to linkedIssues() function: linkedIssues("Blocks") and linkedIssues("Cloners").

    In the following screenshot you can see the correct parameter values inside the green square, and the incorrect parameter values inside the red square:


  3. Lacey McDonnell reporter

    Ah! Well that makes sense. OK - I changed that, but still nothing rendering on the issue screen. Is there a specific searcher I should have set for the field? I have included it on the issue screen for rendering (I know it shouldn't appear on the Edit screen). It does, however, now show up on the issue navigator...

    toString(distinct(fieldValue(%{Issue status}, linkedIssues("Base Ticket [DO NOT Select This! System-Generated Type]"))))

    Above working great now, and I did a + for additional link in/out.

  4. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @laceymcdonnell,

    Function linkedIssues() accepts comma separated list of issue link type names as input argument. For example: linkedIssues("blocks, is blocked by, causes, is caused by"), which is equivalent to linkedIssues("blocks") UNION linkedIssues("is blocked by") UNION linkedIssues("causes") UNION linkedIssues("is caused by").

    If you consider that the problem has been solved, please, close the issue.

  5. Lacey McDonnell reporter

    Thanks for the tip on comma separated values for unions!

    However, I still do not see the values on the issue screen, only issue navigator. Is there a specific searcher I should have set for the field?

  6. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @laceymcdonnell,

    I can't reproduce your problem. I have created a "Calculated Text Field" with an expression similar to the one you are using, and the field is displayed in the issue detail screen and in the issue navigator.

    I'm using JWT 2.2.41 and JIRA 7.4.2.

    Please, double check that the field is in your issue's VIEW screen. It may also be contained in a tab of the screen, in that case you have to select the tab in order to see the field.

    If you don't achieve to solve the problem, we can have a screen-share through Skype. My Skype user is fidel100r.

  7. Lacey McDonnell reporter

    I did a locked reindex rather than a background and it works now. I'll blame our DB :) I have to say - the level of support on this plugin is stellar. We're definitely keeping it.

    Thank you!

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