Validation on linked issue is not working properly

Issue #76 resolved
Sandro Lehmann created an issue

Hi Fidel

There is a huge problem with the validator "validation on linked issue".

Use Case: * A validator is configured with the link type "is blocked by" * Issue A with linked ("is blocked by") Issue B * -> transition is possible * Add a link ("duplicates") to another isse * -> validator shows error message though the validator is configured only with the link "is blocked by". * As soon as the duplicate link is removed it works well. * see screenshot

Comments (6)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Sandro, you forgot to attach the screenshot. It's very important that you show me the transition configuration screen (only validations tab is needed).

    Did the problem appeared when updating to version 2.1.22? In that case, which was the previous version you had installed?

  2. Sandro Lehmann reporter

    No we had the problem with 2.1.19 or 18, and I've upgraded now to the newest release and it still happens.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    That is not a bug. You only have to check parameter "Allow unselected issue link types:".

    In case you only want to apply link requirements to issue types "Partial order", and allow the rest of issue types to be linked with any issue link type, then you should also check "Allow unselected issue types:".

    Please, don't forget to close the issue if this explanation solves your problem.

  4. Sandro Lehmann reporter

    Sorry, I've missunderstood the configuration. Your solution works well. Thanks a lot for the quick answer.

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