Boolean Text Validator on Create Issue

Issue #773 resolved
Krishnanand Nayak created an issue

I need to use the Boolean Validator when creating a new issue:

1) nFeedCustomField (Search Template: nFeed Searcher) - Pulls a list of Modules from Database

2) LanguageCustomField(Select List (multiple choices)) - List of Languages (first option None)

Validation: if (nFeedCustomField == 'Language' && LanguageCustomField == 'None') { Show Error Message "Language value needs to be selected"} else { Save the Record}

Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @knayak1978,

    I don't now exactly how behaves nFeed custom field, but try using a boolean validator with the following boolean expression:

    %{aaaaa} = "English (US)" AND %{bbbbb} = null

    replacing aaaaa with field code of nFeedCustomField, and bbbbb with field code of LanguageCustomField.

    Note that in my example I'm assuming that English (US) is the language literal value you want to compare nFeedCustomField with. You can write any string literal as language name.

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