Validation on Subtasks: blocking transition even though parameters are satisfied.

Issue #78 resolved
Chuck Vanderwist created an issue

Validator: Validation on subtasks Allowed subtask types: * MRD Subtask Allowed statuses: * Resolved * Closed Allowed resolutions: * (None checked) Minimum required number of subtasks: 0 Maximum allowed number of subtasks: 1000 Allow unselected issue types: (Not checked) Allow unselected statuses: (Not checked) Allow unselected resolutions: Checked Message to show: You must first Close or Resolve all subtasks.

Message to show is displaying when I attempt to execute transition containing this validator, however ALL subtasks of this issue are Closed. I've reindexed and executed Integrity checker (no problems found).

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi Chuck,

    I haven't been able to reproduce your error. I think that the problem might be that you are expecting that the validator will ignore other subtasks types, and that is not the case. With your current validator configuration the only allowed subtasks type is "MRD Subtask".

    If you want the validator to allow other subtasks types you should check "Allow unselected issue types". With that configuration selected statuses are only required to selected issue type ("MRD Subtask"). The validator will ignore the rest of subtasks types.

    Please, let me know whether this is your problem.

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    After more that 20 days without news about the issue I close it. Please, reopen it if you keep needing support about it.

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