Run as does not work properly as Project lead

Issue #780 resolved
Shai Shapira created an issue

I have a department object who is scheme protected to department users only. I have a request issue, which any user to submit. On post-function, I try to link the new request to an existing department issue, using the project lead user (who has proper permission) - set as "Run-as". and this does not work. No link is created. JIRA Software 7.2.6 JIRA workflow 2.2.28

Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @shaishap,

    Let's see how many issues are returned by the JQL query. To do it we can use "Copy a parsed text to a field" with the following configuration:

    • Target field: New comment
    • Parsing mode: advanced
    • Text to be parsed:
    toString(issuesFromJQL("project = 'Travel System' AND issuetype = 'Travel Department' AND summary ~ '" + %{aaaaa.0} + "- " + %{aaaaa.1} + "' AND 'Fiscal Quarter' = '" + %{bbbbb} + "'"))

    replacing aaaaa with field code for Department cascading select field, and bbbbb with field code for Fiscal Quarter.

    Please, test it in a transition different from Create Issue. Modify the JQL query until you get the desired result. Then test it in Create Issue, and check whether you obtain the same result. You should do it.

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