Automatically copy fix-version field from story to sub-task

Issue #783 resolved
Marten Van Keer created an issue


I would like to use your Jira Workflow add-on to automatically fill out the FIX VERSION in a subtask.

Currently we have some stories with FIX VERSION assigned. From the moment a sub task is being added under a story the FIX VERSION is always empty. I would like to automatically copy over the FIX version from the STORY to the SUB-TASK. Is this possible with the add-on? I searched on your support site but didn’t manage to get it working.

Regards and thanks in advance! Maarten

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @s955723,

    You can do it by inserting "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function into transition "Create Issue" of subtasks' workflow using the following configuration:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-09-06 a las 9.56.59.png

    where %{00086} is field code for Parent's fixed versions.

    Once configured, transition Create Issue will look like this:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-09-06 a las 9.58.18.png

    Beware to insert your post-function AFTER post-function "Creates the issue originally".

  2. Marten Van Keer reporter

    Hi, I didn't notice the massive list containing the "Parent's fixed versions". It works like a charm. Thanks for your quick and constructive help. Regards,

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