Merge multiple tickets to one ticket

Issue #785 new
Nikhil created an issue

Hi Fidel,

I have couple of more requirements in addition to Issue #709 :

1) One issue is that we are getting the Nagios's DOWN alerts repeatedly for the same instance/host. So, can we have only 1 issue created for the same subject instead of multiple in order to avoid duplications? (See attachment)

2) Can we set a fixed resolution as "Service recovery" once the issue is created and auto close the create Jira ticket for UP/DOWN alert?

Regards, Nikhil Kumar

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Please, create another issue for your second requirement. I will answer here the first one.

    I have examined the emails generated by JIRA at issue creation, and it seems that the issues created contains a field called Host and another one called State with values UP or DOWN, like shown in the following screenshot:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-09-08 a las 16.52.41.png

    Please, confirm the existence of those fields, since they are needed for preventing a second issue to be created with the same host.

  2. Nikhil reporter


    Since I have blocked the UP alerts, we need to only Block multiple alerts or Merge to 1 alerts automatically with a specified Resolution. Attached is the keywords that we need to configure for.

    Notification Type: PROBLEM State: DOWN


  3. Nikhil reporter

    Hi @fcarmario ,

    Nope, they are not custom fields. They are just values sent by Nagios alerts We are planning to make any configurations w.r.t. Summary and not Description field. So, we need to identify keywords from Summary and not Description while configuring Post-functions if that's not possible then only we shall think about picking certain keywords in Description field. Keywords like PROBLEM,DOWN as hostnames keep changing depending on the system.


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