Create issue in project based on project picker custom field

Issue #791 resolved
David Sumlin created an issue

I have a custom field which is a project picker. When I try to use the "Create Issues and Subtasks" post function, to create an issue and point the Project field to that custom field it fails since the custom field returns the entire project name and not the key. How can I get the project key from the project picker field? project picker.PNG

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @SumWell,

    You can use a configuration like this one:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-09-08 a las 21.41.06.png

    The expression in the example is:

    getMatchingValue(%{13729}, ["Customer Management", "Human Resources", "Service Desk"], ["CM", "HR", "SD"]) 

    In this solution we have to explicitly implement an expressions that maps project names to project keys.

    Not the most elegant solution, but it works.

    I will try to improve the add-on in next version of the plugin in order to make possible a better solution.

  2. David Sumlin reporter

    I thought that might be what I have to do...thank you.

    Yes, if you allow for a project picker custom field, that would be cool!

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