Transition linked issues to done

Issue #798 resolved
Bharath B created an issue

Lets say I have 2 issues issue-1 and issue-2 and, issue-1 related to issue-2. I would like to know if we can implement this when issue-2 is DONE can we automatically move the issue-1 to DONE as well (considering both the issues are from different projects)

Comments (6)

  1. Bharath B reporter

    Hi Fidel,

    One more question, lets say we have a epic and the epic had linked issue from different projects so I want to close the epic once all the linked issues are done how can this be achieved.

  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @Bkappala,

    You can do it using Write field on linked issues or subtasks post-function in transition to Done status in the workflow of all the issue types depending on the epic:

    • Target status: Issue status
    • Source type: parsed text (basic)
    • Source value: Done
    • Issue link types: has Epic
    • Conditional execution:
    count(linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic"))) = count(filterByStatus(linkedIssues("is Epic of", linkedIssues("has Epic")), "Done")) + 1
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