Copy a parsed text to a field function

Issue #804 resolved
Brian Budniewski created an issue

I'm trying to use this function and had some questions. I set my target field and my text to be parsed is: issuesFromJQL("project=SFSupport AND resolution=Unresolved")

Just trying to get the issues from a JQL and write that to a multi-line text field. When I look at the field, it doesn't show the result of the JQL, it shows issuesFromJQL("project=SFSupport AND resolution=Unresolved")

I've tried basic and advanced parsing mode with the same result

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @BrianBuda,

    The problem is that your expression is a string literal, i.e., you are not calling any function.

    Use the following text to be parsed:

    issuesFromJQL("project = SFSupport AND resolution = Unresolved")
  2. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    My mistake. That post-function expects a text expression. You should convert issue list into a string. Use the following expression instead:

    toString(issuesFromJQL("project = SFSupport AND resolution = Unresolved"))
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