validation of date fields

Issue #847 resolved
Scott McDonald created an issue


I am able to add validation to force both a start by date field to have a value entered and a complete by date field to have a value entered before the user can transition the issue, however, if I were to reopen the ticket and attempt to transition the ticket to a new status, it forces me to change the original date in both fields prior to move the issue. It's almost as if it's not recognizing dates are in both fields.

For example:

Request was in DEFINE.

I went in and added the requirements start date while in DEFINE.

When I went to move to ready, I added the requirements complete date. When I click on the ready button, I get the error below.

Comments (5)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @scottjmcdonald,

    Please, attach a screenshot of validation's tab. I need to see the configuration you are using in the validator.

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