JWT Post Function Configuration Question

Issue #850 resolved
MAG-II created an issue

Hi Fidel -

I have a new post function that I am trying to configure. What I want to happen is that if an Issue is not in a particular Security Level, for that Issue to skip a step in the workflow.

The attached screenshot is my configuration so far. I believe I am close. Any suggestions?

Comments (8)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @michaelgayheart,

    Your configuration seems correct, but the transition execution happens with some delay, so that you have to refresh your browser in order to perceive that issue is actually in status "5. Site Manager Resume Review".

    Anyway, I recommend you another approach:

    1. Create a transition from status "3. Resume Accepted" to "5. Site Manager Resume Review". You can call it "Process Issue".
    2. Add "Boolean condition with math, date-time or text-string terms" to the new transition with the following boolean expression %{00103} != "VII Vast", where %{00103} is field code for Security Level.
    3. Add "Boolean condition with math, date-time or text-string terms" to the transition "Process" with the following boolean expression %{00103} = "VII Vast", where %{00103} is field code for Security Level.

    In this solution only one of the 2 transition ("Process", or "Process Issue") is shown. We won't have to refresh the browser to perceive the actual status.

  2. MAG-II reporter

    Thanks for the response. I added the transition (called Sub Candidate), and configured the Validators as shown in the screen shot. When my Issue is on step 3 both choices for transitions (Process, Sub Candidate) are still shown.

    Also, with the initial configuration (Post Function), the Issue does not go to Step 5 when I refresh the page. I am very confused why this initial configuration doesn't work. From what I've learned through JWT (which is a lot) it should be working just fine.

    Transitions Shown.PNG

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @michaelgayheart,

    You should use a boolean condition instead of a validation.

  4. MAG-II reporter

    Ah, a Condition. Got it. That does work how you said it would. It should be ok for our project purposes. But back to my initial try at configuring this action -

    Is there not a way to use the Copy Parsed Text post-function to change the Issue Status based on NOT being in a Security Level? I ask because if this way were possible it would be simpler for the user.

  5. MAG-II reporter

    Hey Fidel -

    Please disregard my previous message. I have been testing your suggested configurations, and they work fantastically. Thank you so much for your continued support and responsiveness. We will absolutely continue to subscribe to JWT (we just upgraded from 25 to 50 users).

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