Parent issue summary not coping to sub-task summary

Issue #855 resolved created an issue

Hello Team . I am trying to use post function[Create issues and subtasks ] to one translation Expected : Sub-task should be created with summary Meeting notes + parent issue's summary Result : Sub-task is creating but parent ticket summary is not coping to subtask summary. Am i doing wrong ? may you can suggest me how to append parent issue summary to subtask summary . I have attached screenshot for your reference . Regards GSEP

Comments (4)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @gsepsupport,

    You should use field code for Summary (i.e., %{00000}), instead of Parent's summary (i.e., %{00029}), since this last one only makes sense when current issue is sub-task.

  2. Account Deactivated reporter

    Hello Fidel .

    It works , thanks for your quick response . Some times we think too much :))))

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