Validator to make a "Required" Custom Field to be "Optional" only in the Create Issue Transition

Issue #857 resolved
Joseph Pursel created an issue

Hi Fidel,

I have a use case which requires a Single Select - Single Choice Custom Field to be “Required” in every transition and in every status except the Create Issue Transition. I would like to know how to use a JWT validator to make the Custom Field “Optional” during the Create Issue Transition only as it is set to “Required” in the project Field Configuration.

The Custom Field is not on our Create Issue Screen but is on our Edit and View Screen for managers to categorize the Reporters input. We want to force the field to contain a selection at all times after issue creation.

Please let me know if you required additional information.

Thank you, Joe Pursel

Comments (2)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @amazonadmin,

    I propose you the following approach:

    1. Configure a default value for the Single Select field, this way the field will have a value at the moment of issue creation, even if the field is not in the create screen.
    2. Add post-function "Copy a parsed text to a field" to transition "Create Issue" in order to clear your Single Select field. To do it you should use the following configuration:
    • Target field: your Select List custom field.
    • Parsing mode: basic
    • Text to be parsed...: keep this parameter empty

    With this solution we the field will be clean just after issue creation, but will be required from then on due to the Field Configuration Scheme.

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