Due date required if Priority = "3- High"

Issue #871 resolved
WordPress Gmail created an issue

Hi Fidel - we want to require user to enter a Due Date if ticket Priority = "3-High".

I have tried to validate on this JQL and it does not work.
%{00017} = "3- High" AND %{00012} = null

Comments (9)

  1. Benjamin C. John

    Hi @jirasysadmin,

    to archive this you can use the validation Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms

    The boolean expression should look like:

    %{00017} != "3- High" OR %{00012} != null

    You although can add an error message if the validation fails i.e. High Priority issues need a due date.

    The complete configuration screen will look like; validation_example.PNG

    Kind regards, Benjamin

  2. Benjamin C. John

    @jirasysadmin i corrected the answer, please respect the new expression. Sorry for any inconvenience.

  3. WordPress Gmail reporter

    Hi Benjamin - the expression %{00017} != "3- High" OR %{00012} != null prevents us from creating tickets.

    The validator runs when the desired condition is met (Priority = High and a Due Date is entered). It also runs when another priority (e.g. medium) is selected and no due date is entered. Screenshots attached.Link TextDueDate_entered_for_HighPriority.jpgDueDate_not_entered_MediumPriority.jpg

  4. Benjamin C. John

    Hi @jirasysadmin,

    could you please share the complete validation overview screen?

    Thank you in advance, Benjamin

  5. Benjamin C. John

    Hi @jirasysadmin,

    please use a different validation. The Validation based on JQL query will not work.

    The expression I wrote is for the Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms and is an expression not a jql query.

    Kind regards, Benjamin

  6. WordPress Gmail reporter

    Well now, that was a big oversight! Your expression works when correct validator is used. Thank you, Jean

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