Force Summary to be unique on all new issues

Issue #879 closed
Will created an issue

Could you describe how to have the Summary field checked during the create step such that if any other issue within the project has the same summary creation is rejected?


Comments (9)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @w_b,

    You have to use "Validation based on JQL query" validation with the following configuration:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-11-08 a las 0.44.59.png Captura de pantalla 2017-11-08 a las 0.45.12.png

    JQL Query can be any of these ones:

    1) Forbid an issue in same project and issue type with same summary.

    project = %{00018} AND issuetype = "%{00014}" AND summary ~ "%{00000}" 

    2) Forbid an issue in same project with same summary.

    project = %{00018} AND summary ~ "%{00000}" 

    where %{00018} is field code for Project key, %{00014} for Issue type, and %{00000} for Summary.

  2. Will reporter

    Is there a way to make this stricter?

    It did work on my first test when the summary of the new issue was "Testing Vendor Logic" - I saw my own validation failed message. Nice!

    Then I edited that summary to "Testing Vendor Logic - Success!"

    Then I created a new issue with that same summary a few times. I have multiple issues with the same summary. Maybe because of the specials characters in the field "-" and "!" ?

    EDIT: I also made sure that the Run As was set to a user without any restrictions to view the issues.

    EDIT2: I tried thisJQL manually Screenshot 2017-11-08 15.43.41.png

    EDIT3: I think it is the punctuation. Both fail: * project = AT AND Summary ~ "-" * project = AT AND Summary ~ "!"

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I imagine there's little you can do about that. ?

  3. Will reporter

    It's a limitation of Jira so this is actually just fine.

    Cannot praise JWT enough. It's fantastic!

  4. Will reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hi Fidel,

    Is there an alternative way to enforce unique summary names? This method disallows even similar names. eg, the summaries "cm_reaction_to_fire_anims" and "cm_reaction_on_fire_anims" clash. Many of our summaies will be really similar but unique.

    I'm guessing this is because "summary = ..." is not allowed in JQL. Only "summary ~ ..."


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