Calculated Text Field inquiry

Issue #893 resolved
Kosta Krastev created an issue

hey guys, this is more of an inquiry. Thx for the great tool by the way

want to do a dynamic text assignment (workflow is quite heavy on data gathering) - using a Calculated Text Field say W

basically want to be able to define various options based on an evaluated expression on an Input Math field - basically a set of ranges or a formula (also calculated number say field Z)

I assume I am just being stupid and can't get the syntax right?

Basically want something like z > Val1 = "abcd" z>Val2 and z <val3 = "qwerty" z < Val2 = "blabla" else "mnb"

I see that IF ... THEN ... ELSE

Obvious how to do with set a field as a function but want to do it before a transition.

Many a thanks kosta

Comments (3)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @kosta_Krastev,

    You should use a "Calculated Text Field" field with a configuration like this one:

    Captura de pantalla 2017-11-15 a las 18.28.04.png

    In the example, {10001} is the field code of a number custom field in my particular JIRA instance.

    This is the expression used in the example:

    {10001} <= 10 ? "Less or equal than 10" :
    ({10001} > 10 AND {10001} <= 20 ? "Greater than 10 up to 20" :
    ({10001} > 20 AND {10001} <= 30 ? "Greater than 20 up to 30" : 
    ({10001} > 30 AND {10001} <= 40 ? "Greater than 30 up to 40" :
    ({10001} > 40 AND {10001} <= 50 ? "Greater than 40 up to 50" : "More than 50"))))
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