Assigning to specific person

Issue #894 resolved
Scott McDonald created an issue

Hello @fcarmario ,

I currently have logic in place to assign the issue at create to the New Manager (field) if the Exec Assistant !=null but I wan't to take it a step further. If no New Manager exists, assign to Current Manager (field).

Here's the actual requirement: Upon Create; the New Manager gets assigned this ticket to complete Manager Steps (if the Executive Assistant (New Manager's) is populated this individuals should be assigned). If no New Manager exists, assign to Current Manager (of the Executive Assitant (Current Manager's) if applicable).

Below is my current logic but would like to add the Current Manager verification to it.

The following text parsed in basic mode will be copied to Assignee: %{Executive Assistant} != null ? %{Executive Assistant} : %{New Manager} This feature will be run as user in field Current user.

Thank you,


Comments (12)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @scottjmcdonald,

    Sorry, but I'm not sure I have understood your requirements. Anyway, I propose you the following expression:

    %{aaaaa} != null ? %{aaaaa} : (%{bbbbb} != null ? %{bbbbb} : %{ccccc})

    replacing aaaaa with field code for Executive Assistant, bbbbb with field code for New Manager, and ccccc with field code for Current Manager.

  2. Scott McDonald reporter

    Hi @fcarmario

    I've added that logic at create but I can't get an assigned to be set. I've even add the custom fields to the permission scheme but still a no go.

    Please help!


  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    You should have post-function "Creates the issue originally" at first position in execution order.

    Please, attach a screenshot of the post-function's tab. I want to see all the post-functions you are executing.

  4. Scott McDonald reporter

    Hi @fcarmario ,

    Just checking in to see if you have gotten anywhere with this one?

    Thank you,


  5. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @scottjmcdonald,

    Sorry for the delay in my response. I can see in the screenshot that you removed the parentheses from the expression. It's very important that you keep them.

    You should use the following expression:

    %{aaaaa} != null ? %{aaaaa} : (%{bbbbb} != null ? %{bbbbb} : %{ccccc})

    replacing aaaaa with field code for Executive Assistant, bbbbb with field code for New Manager, and ccccc with field code for Current Manager.

  6. Scott McDonald reporter

    Hi @fcarmario

    I added the parentheses but that didn't resolve the issue, it's still not adding an assigned. I'm adding 2 screenshots for your convenience - the one with the names redacted is the ticket I created to show those fields I'm using.


    Scott Screen Shot 2017-11-27 at 8.47.35 AM.pngScreen Shot 2017-11-27 at 8.48.43 AM.png

  7. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @scottjmcdonald,

    Are fields Executive Assistant, New Manager and Current Manager normal JIRA user pickers, or any other kind of field?

    Please, confirm that users in field Executive Assistant, New Manager and Current Manager have permissions to get issue assigned.

  8. Scott McDonald reporter

    Hello @fcarmario ,

    All 3 fields are user picker fields as well as the user I am selecting in those fields does indeed have the assignable user permission.


  9. Scott McDonald reporter

    Hello @fcarmario ,

    UGH! That did it! The tickets are being assigned accordingly.

    Thank you! Scott

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