How to prevent Sub-Task creation according to Sub-Task type and Parent status ?

Issue #902 resolved
GabrielJ created an issue

Hi Fidel,

I want to prevent the creation of Sub-Task, if "Sub-Task type" in (A,B) and Parent issue Status = "Resolved".

It seems a not complex validation, but I did not succeed to do it.

Thanks in advance, Gaby

Comments (4)

  1. Benjamin C. John

    Hi @gabyj,

    you can prevent the creation of certain Sub-task (i.e. "Sub-Task A","Sub-Task B") types if the parent issue is in the status "Resolved"with the following Boolean validator with math, date-time or text-string terms expression:

    %{00042} != "Resolved" OR %{00014} not in ["Sub-Task A","Sub-Task B"]

    This allows all sub-tasks types if the status is not Resolved. This prevents the two sub-task types A,B when the status is Resolved.

    If you have any further questions, let us know!

    Cheers, Benjamin

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