Help with Multi level cascading field

Issue #906 resolved
Onteddu, Rajesh created an issue

Hello JWFT,

I am trying to update a field using a post function "Set a field as a function of other fields by JWT" and the Fields being used here are a Multilevel cascading field, Version picker single select, and the single select drop-down field.

Here Multilevel cascading field has 3 level || version picker || Dropdown {Field name: Found in release} |{Target release}|| {Release Note}

Level-1:Release ID (versions) Level-2:feature Level-3:owner

I want to match the level-1 value from the cascading field with the Target release version and if they both are same then I want to update the "Release Note" field as 'Edit required'. But I am not able to select the first level in cascading field and there is an error which is thrown and need your help in resolving it please.

Thank you, Rajesh.

Comments (7)

  1. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @ronteddu,

    JWT supports custom fields provided by Multi-Level Cascading Select add-on, but I'm afraid that you are using Multi-Level Cascade provided by another add-on.

    Can you, please, tell me which add-on is providing your multi-level cascade field? We can try to support it in next version of the plugin.

  2. Onteddu, Rajesh reporter

    Hello @fcarmario,

    Thanks for updating me on the information. So as a workaround I am copying the whole value to a Jira field called Description and then using a post function, I am trying to update a custom field which matches the parsed value. And I need your help with please So Now we have this field which is called Description and this has all the information and the Custom field is Cap FIR here is only want the parse "FI XX.X.XX" only to be captured and updated to the Custom Field. Please, can you help me with this as it would be really a great help for me from your side.

    Thank you, Rajesh.

  3. Fidel Castro Armario repo owner

    Hi @ronteddu,

    In order to extract the substring you describe you should use "Copy a parsed text to a field" post-function with the following configuration:

    • Target field: field where you want to store the extracted value
    • Parsing mode: advanced
    • Text to be parsed...:
    first(findPattern(%{nnnnn}, "[A-Z]+\\s+(\\d+\\.)*\\d+"))

    replacing nnnnn with field code of Cap FIR custom field.

    BTW, which add-on provides custom field type for Cap FIR custom field?

  4. Onteddu, Rajesh reporter

    Hello @fcarmario,

    Thank you so much, your tool is the best and your reply really helped me. I just name the Jira default text field as "Cap FIR".

    Regards, Rajesh.

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