Set a Single Select List based on the evaluation of another field

Issue #936 resolved
apsimpkins created an issue


I have a custom field that is a 'Single Select List' called 'Customer' and I want this field to be a copy of the 'Organizations' field as I create each new issue. I don't want to have to mange the list of possible options to set for this field, I want to base it entirely on logic being applied to fields that are already populated.

This is what I have so far: The field Customer will be set according to the evaluation of Organizations against the following set of rules: (%{Organizations})=(%{Ephemeral string 1}) (.*)Unknown This feature will be run as user in field Project leader.

Will this work? Is it possible to set a single select list to a field rather than just typing the text that you want to set it to?

What I'm attempting to do is compare two fields that I'm expecting to be populated with the same text (because 'Ephemeral string 1' has been previously populated with the 'Organisations' data previously on the same transition, as below:

The following text parsed in advanced mode will be copied to Ephemeral string 1: toString(textOnStringList(toStringList(%{Organizations}, ","), "\"" + ^% + "\""), ", ") This feature will be run as user in field Project leader.

Please let me know where I'm going wrong with this?



Comments (3)

  1. apsimpkins reporter

    Hi Fiedel,

    Sorry for taking so long to come back to you on this. Your solution worked perfectly, with the added bonus of new entries getting added to the dropdown, thanks very much.



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